Life is not always smooth sailing . We all have our challenges to endure. Notice I said "challenges" instead of "problems". The word "problem" denotes negativity and lack of strength. A challenge alludes to that mountain we must climb to get closer to our goals . Change your thinking - Change your life!
There is no perfect family. We must learn coping skills early in life to that with which we are presented.
Personally my saving grace was a book written by Norman Vincent Peale, "The Power of Positive Thinking". Today there are many variations on the theme of this book and society and media have made a fortune on them and the message is all the same.
Maintaining a positive mental attitude and the circumstances in which you decide to surround yourself are key. We may not always have control of them, but with positivity nothing is insurmountable. One foot in front of the other - but watch your step. :)
Our bodies house our soul and provide the means to express ourselves.
Increasing one's serotonin levels with positive thought and keeping physically fit are the keys to longevity and being productive in life, so take it easy on yourself and make conscience decisions to improve your every day existence.
Practice kindness, patience and empathy for your fellow man. We all have a different journey and "learning curve", and life IS a learning experience!
The key word here is "spend". When we are "spent" we are depleted. From the day we are born we are "spending" our precious energy, our life resources and they diminish as we age. So choose wisely!
If you can DREAM it you can ACHIEVE it with hard work, focus and goals. Learn the art of manifestation. You might surprise yourself.
Music and spirituality walk hand in hand. That is why it is referred to as "The Universal Language."
Some people go through life never testing the boundaries of the cultures into which we are born. Some just accept these boundaries as a willing participant, complacently oblivious to anything else that might be because they never question anything, mostly out of fear.
In this world there are only "should haves" and self denigration. The "could haves" of life are inconceivable and there are no "would haves". They are the herd.
And so they judge others and those who achieve success within the herd become controlling, never realizing there is more than the confines of the world in which they live. They seek power and control out of greed and inflated egos. There is only right and wrong, black and white. They lead the herd. Those who are less successful remain complacent and are the herd. Those who are clueless simply follow the herd.
Then there are the rebels, the free spirits who leave the herd and experiment. They have a quest for knowledge, self expansion and have an inner knowing that there is more. Some lose themselves and feel the need for constraint and return to the herd. Others continue to learn and grow and in doing so awaken and become the seekers.
The seekers observe and teach from their hearts and minds through their personal experiences of love, pain, joy, sorrow.
Life is one big classroom, isn't it? We never "graduate".We gradually ascend to different planes of existence and embrace ascension through a thirst for knowledge. We are the unbridled horses on an infinite plain, running free.
As we age and mature and reflect we become the "seers". We've seen a lot, but admittedly not it all, because in admitting we keep going instead of giving up and asking ourselves, "Is that all there is?"
I believe there is always "more". - gr
Nature or Nurtue? Aren't they the same? Do we not have something to gain with the wonder of every sunrise, sunset and rainbow? Who knows what tomorrow brings? Make the best of the present and what you have to accomplish that day and relax knowing it's done. Nature - Plant your feet in the sand, in the earth of your lawn or garden and connect with its grounding energy and move on. There isn't always tomorrow but we can make the most of today. Nurture the temple that houses your soul. - g
Never stop dreaming even if you are in your senior years. To do so is certain death, and with our impending "end" there are still new beginnings, new adventures, things we've always wanted to do but were lacking in time. Keep your energy by investing in your self care and never lose the hope of a new dream just blossoming around the corner.
Never stop moving - Never grow Old" - g
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